How to choose an office chair

When buying an office chair, it is recommended that the purchaser sit and feel it, and try to debug all the adjustable parts. When sitting down, your feet should be free to rest on the ground and your arms should be fully relaxed. In addition, Huan should pay attention to whether the backrest supports the…

Why choose big brands when buying office furniture

Just like the dressing of the same person, it can show a person’s temperament and add points to a person’s appearance. Office furniture clothes are surface finishes, and in addition to textures, office furniture manufacturers use color matching to achieve more. The new products seen on the market use more color matching, and the scale…

How to match the colors of simple office furniture

In terms of modeling, geometric structures are mostly used, which is the modern minimalist fashion style. Procurement of office furniture advocates maximizing use efficiency in a limited space. The choice of office furniture emphasizes letting the form obey the function. Everything is done from a practical point of view, and redundant additional decorations are discarded.…